5 Ways to observe Memorial Day in Chicago
Linda Zabors
In 1868 General John A. Logan, Senator for Illinois, issued an order which established Memorial Day as a day of remembrance for the soldiers lost in the American Civil War. In recent years it has come to include the lives lost in wars and armed conflicts everywhere.
Annual Memorial Day observance at the General John A. Logan statue in Grant Park
Photo: www.HonoraryChicago.com
On Memorial Day each year the Chicago Cultural Mile Association hosts a wreath laying ceremony at the Logan equestrian statue in Grant Park near 9th Street in recognition of General John A. Logan's order which initiated the Memorial Day observance which later became a national holiday.
Join Honorary Chicago for a short tour before the ceremony.
Wellington-Oakdale Old Glory Marching Society,
Memorial Day Parade
Photo: www.HonoraryChicago.com
The WOOGMS parade has been a tradition in the Lakeview neighborhood for more than 50 years. The motto is "Everyone marches, no one just marches." Join the Lakeview neighbors and the Jesse White Tumblers and Drum Corp on this and every Memorial Day and Labor Day.
Vietnam Veteran's Memorial on the Chicago Riverwalk
If you have not yet experienced the new riverwalk which follows the south bank of the Chicago river along Wacker Drive, Memorial Day is a fitting time to take in the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial which is on the riverwalk just east of State Street.
City of Chicago Memorial Day Parade
The largest Memorial Day observance in the City is held on the Saturday before Memorial Day. It starts as a wreath laying ceremony at Daley Plaza which leads into a parade down State Street.
Photo: CC BY-SA 3.0
Visit a Cemetery on Memorial Day
In the spirit of the original observance most Cemeteries remain open on Memorial Day.
Here are a two in the Chicago area that have notable Civil War burials.
Rosehill Cemetery is the final resting place of fourteen Union Army Generals and hundreds of soldiers from the Civil War. Part of the administration building houses a Civil War museum.
Oakwoods Cemetery is the location of monument and burial site of thousands of Confederate soldiers who were prisoners of war at Camp Douglas.
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