The Who, Where, and Why of Chicago's Brown Honorary Street Signs
Honorary Chicago celebrates the people who make Chicago great
We provide the fun facts and inspiring stories of chicago’s Honorary streets and commemorations
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Guess how many signs there are.
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Tours and Events
Memorial Day and Labor Day Parade at Honorary WOOGMS ALLEY
New Honorary Sign Dedications
A Tour From Atop
Tours overlooking the City of Chicago from fun spaces in tall buildings with magnificent views. A Tour From Atop and Sights & Sips feature architecture and history tours with a different theme every time. Keep coming back for more.
Honorary Chicago Tour from Above
Sights & Sips at the Metropolitan Club
a Selection of Past Presentations
DuSable to NASCAR - The Fast Times of Lakeshore Drive
Earth Day Chicago Buildings - Green and LEED sites around the Loop
Honorary Chicago provides the largest collection of honorary street names, locations and biographies of the people, events and days commemorated by the City of Chicago.