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222 W Merchandise Mart Plaza
Chicago, IL, 60654


Chicago's honorary brown street signs, days, and commemorative honors; the who, what, where, when and why.  Honorary Chicago guide book, maps, biographies, history, trivia, tours, and gifts.


Coach Kirk Vidas Way

Linda Zabors

 Kirk Vidas has been a baseball and basketball coach at William Howard Taft High School for more than 20 years; and a professional basketball player in Greece. Kirk Vidas was selected for the Greek Olympics team in 1980 and 1984. He was named educator of the month by the Chicago Bulls basketball team in February 2017.

Gordon Tech High School, Chicago (since 2017 DePaul College Prep)
Upper Iowa University
American College of Education

Honorary Coach Kirk Vidas Way

5600 block of North Northcott Avenue


Approved: January 2017

Ward: 41
Alderman: Napolitano
Neighborhood: Norwood Park

Taft High-School

Greek American Hall of Fame

Dr. Edward & Mildred Cruzat

Linda Zabors

This doctor and dancer couple was very involved in the community. Mildred in Rainbow Coalition/PUSH

Edward “Ted” Pedro Cruzat was a surgeon and lecturer at Northwestern University Medical School

Mildred “Millie” Cruzat danced on Broadway and at Carnegie Hall. She teaches dance.

Alumni - Edward
University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana
Meharry Medical College. Nashville, Tennessee

Alumni - Mildred
American School of Ballet at Carnegie Hall

Honorary Dr Edward and Mildred Cruzat Way

South Ellis Avenue from East 32nd St. to East 32nd PLace


Approved: January 2017

Ward: 4
Alderman: King
Neighborhood: Douglas

b. Alton, Illinois
d. February, 16 2000. Age 73. Chicago

b. February 17, 1927. Detroit, Michigan

Kevin Ryan Way

Linda Zabors

Kevin Ryan retired after 40 years at Chicago International Charter School, Northtown Academy, where he was the Dean of Students. He started out as a Social Studies teacher at Good Council High School, where he also coached softball and basketball.

St Patrick’s High School
Northeastern Illinois University

Honorary Kevin Ryan Way

3900 West Peterson Avenue


Approved: January 2017

Ward: 39
Alderman: Laurino
Neighborhood: North Park

CICS Northtown Academy



New Honorary Sign Counts by Ward

Linda Zabors

70% of wards (35 out of 50) designated between 0 to 2 honorary signs
15 wards had 3 or more new honorary signs in 2016


scroll over segments for the number of wards that granted from 0 to 7 new honorary signs in 2016


Sources: City of Chicago data, Honorary Chicago analysis

7 signs   -  1 Ward
5 signs   -  2 Wards
4 signs   -   6 Wards
3 signs   -   6 Wards
2 signs   -   7 Wards
1 Sign    -   12 Wards

16 wards issued zero new honorary signs


However, the 15 wards (30%) which issued 3 or more signs, accounted for 70% of the new honorary signs in 2016. (59 of 85 new signs)

Where as the number of wards that designate zero signs from year to year is very consistent, the quantities of signs issued by the top 30% has been increasing.  A few wards issue a lot more signs.

These numbers do not account for ward geographic size nor the population of the ward.



Honorary Signs by Month - current stacked graph

Linda Zabors

How will the new honorary signs of 2017 stack up against 2016?

2017 is off to a strong start...

2016 had 85 new honorary signs.

Scroll over the months of this interactive chart for honorary sign approvals by month.  

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Happy 100th birthday in Chicago

Linda Zabors

It is commonplace for heads of state and legislatures at all levels of government to send birthday wishes to elderly citizens who reach various age thresholds. The Chicago City is no exception.  The Chicago City Council sent congratulations to the following fourteen Chicagoans who in 2016 celebrated their 100th birthday.

Petronella Bertha Blumer

Harry Alvin Cecil

Hazel Amelia Cook

Ruth L. Lamar

Otea Esterds

Virginia Crawford White

Jim Konieczny

Rutha Lee Weir Hodo

Bill Coors

JoAnn Turner

Eleanore Wideikis

Eleanor Wayman

John W. Anderson

Elizabeth Mitchell

Source: Chicago City Council records

World Events in 1916:

  • World War I
    • England and France battle the Ottoman Empire and are defeated in the attempt to capture Istanbul
    • Paris was bombed by German Zeppelins
    • Portugal joins the allied forces in WWI, Peru declares neutrality
    • The 1916 Summer Olympics to be held in Berlin, are cancelled
  • The Chicago Cubs play their first game at Weegham Park (later named Wrigley Field) and defeat the Cincinnati Reds
  • The Mexican Revolution - President Woodrow Wilson sends troops into Mexico to pursue Pancho Villa, a General in the Mexican Revolution who attacked border towns.
  • Woodrow Wilson signs legislation creating the National Parks Service; later in 1916 he narrowly wins re-election
  • Russian mystic, Rasputin is murdered in St. Petersburg
  • The toggle light switch is in vented by William J. Newton and Morris Goldberg

Source: Wikipedia

Famous people born in 1916:

Walter Cronkite - American newscaster

Jackie Gleason - American comic actor and musician

Herb Caen - American journalist

Beverly Cleary - American author

Gregory Peck - American actor

Ferruccio Lamborghini - Italian auto manufacturer

Roald Dahl - Welsh born author

Kirk Douglas - American actor

Betty Grable - American actress

Source: Wikipedia

If you have a Chicago relative who will be celebrating 100 years soon, contact the local ward office or City Hall for an official congratulations. 

Ukrainian American Veterans Way

Linda Zabors

Veterans Day

Honorary Ukrainian American Veterans Way dedicated in 2016

What a better way to celebrate veterans than to feature the honorary sign dedicated this year to Ukrainian American Veterans.  The Chicago organization of the UAV Post 32 hosted the 69th UAV National Convention in Chicago this year.  

The national Ukrainian American Veterans organization began in 1948 by veterans of WWI and WWII. It's membership includes honorably discharged American veterans of Ukrainian descent.  In 1998 it launched the UAV Registration Project, which aims to collect the names of Ukrainian Americans who served in the US Armed Forces. Volume one contains more than 3,000 names and stories.

The many Ukrainian immigrants from the 1880s settled in the Chicago neighborhood which came to be known as Ukrainian Village

* * * * 

Honorary Chicago has made a similar goal.  Since 2014 we have mapped the Chicago honorary street signs which are dedicated to veterans.  This Veterans Day marks the 3rd anniversary of the Honorary Chicago Veterans Map, which is an ongoing effort.