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222 W Merchandise Mart Plaza
Chicago, IL, 60654


Chicago's honorary brown street signs, days, and commemorative honors; the who, what, where, when and why.  Honorary Chicago guide book, maps, biographies, history, trivia, tours, and gifts.


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Leo Louchios

Linda Zabors

Leo Louchios was the founder of the Chicago Greektown Educational Foundation. He also served as a Senior Advisor at the State of Illinois to the Secretary of State Office.

Honorary Leo Louchios Way

North Halsted Street between West Van Buren Street and West Adams street

Approved: July 2024

Ward: 34
Alderman: Bill Conway
Neighborhood: West Loop

b. December 10, 1956 in Cyprus
d. August 3, 2023. Age 66

Dedicated: September 5, 2024
for the opening of the Taste of Greektown Festival



James B. Lemons

Linda Zabors

James B. Lemons was the owner of Lem’s Bar-B-Q, famous for Mississippi style, open pit, slow cooked pork rib tips. The restaurant was established by his older brothers, Bruce and Myles Lemons, in the 195o’s and has been serving Chicago for more than 70 years.

Honorary James B. Lemons Way

East 75th Street, between South Prairie Avenue and South Calumet Avenue

Approved:July 2024

Ward: 06
Alderman: William Hall
Neighborhood: Grand Crossing

d. Age 87

Lem’s Bar-B-Q
311 S. 75th Street



Ronald "Topper" Topczewski

Linda Zabors

Ronald C. “Topper” Topczewski was a former President of the Polish American Police Association (PAPA). He joined the Chicago police force in 1962 and enjoyed a 32 year career. He served in the US Army from 1963 to 1965. In retirement he worked for Taft High School.

Veteran: Army

Honorary Ronald “Topper” Topczewski Way

4500 North Mulligan avenue from West Eastwood Avenue to WEst Sunnyside Avenue

Approved: July 2024

Ward: 38
Alderman: Nicholas Sposato
Neighborhood: Jefferson Park

b. August 18, 1939
d. December 23, 2023. Age 84



Lydia Eudora Ashburne

Linda Zabors

Lydia Eudora Ashburne Evans, MD had a 65 year career in medicine and was the first black woman licensed as a general practice physician in the state of Virginia, and the first woman to graduate from the medical school at Howard University (1912). She moved to Chicago and established the first south side United Cerebral Palsy clinic.

She lived to be 105 years old.

Norfolk Mission College
Howard University Medical School

Honorary Lydia Eudora Ashburne Way

East Pershing Road from South Martin Luther King Drive to South Vincennes Avenue

Approved: June 2024

Ward: 04
Alderman: Lamont Robinson
Neighborhood: Hyde Park

b. 1887 in Portsmouth, Virginia
d. January 14, 1992. Age 105 in Chicago



Fernando DeLeon

Linda Zabors

Fernando Miguel DeLeon grew up in the Humboldt Park neighborhood of Chicago. He was a member of the musical group “Los Perdidos” which had one of it’s songs featured in the Chicago film “Go For It.”

Kelvin Park High School
Funston Elementary

Honorary Fernando DeLeon Way

North Meade Avenue, from West Fullerton Avenue to West Grand Avenue

Approved: June 2024

Ward: 36
Alderman: Gilbert Villegas
Neighborhood: Belmont Craigin

b. April 12, 1986 in Puerto Rico
d.May 30, 2020 age 34 in Chicago

His home



William "Bill" J. Kress

Linda Zabors

Bill Kress grew up in South Chicago and worked on the deep tunnel project and for the City of Chicago Department of Environmental Control, and at the Illinois Department of Transportation. He was also a little league baseball coach.

Mendel High School
St Pat’s Grammar School

Veteran: Air Force, served in Vietnam

Honorary William J. Kress “Bill” Way

South 110th and Mackinaw Avenue

Approved: June 2024

Ward: 10
Alderman: Peter Chico
Neighborhood: East Side

b. September 21, 1948
d. December 20, 2023. Age 75.

Sports fields where he coached

He is buried in Mt. Olivet Cemetery



John E. Swearingen

Linda Zabors

John Swearengen was the CEO and Chairman of the Standard Oil Company (of Indiana) from 1960-1983. He turned the struggling company into a profitable venture in oil exploration. He was frequently quoted as a leading member of the petroleum industry. He started out in the company research center in Whiting, Indiana, which produced aviation fuel during WWII. The Engineering Center at his alma mater, University of South Carolina, is named for him. In retirement, he helped turn around financial institutions during the banking crisis of the 1980s.

He also had the Standard Oil building (currently AON Center) built in Chicago. The company was later acquired, and the name of the company (and the building) changed to BP-Amoco.

Carnegie Mellon University
University of South Carolina. Phi Beta Kappa

Honorary John E. Swearingen Way

North Michigan Avenue and East Randolph (Upper)


Neighborhood: Michigan Avenue

b. September 7, 1918
d. September 14, 2007. Age 89

Standard Oil Building (Aon Center)
200 E. Randolph


Verlean Perkins

Linda Zabors

Verlean Perkins was a dedicated member of her community, education, and children. She wasa life long Chicagoan. For 30 years Verlean worked for the Board of Education and was a 15 year contributor to the summer food programs, and a dependable poll worker. She was the chairperson and 20 year volunteer of the Chicago Academic Games League.

She was a “mom” to the neighborhood children and was known as the “Apple Woman” to all who lived near her.

Chicago Public Schools

Member of the Apostolic Church of God

Honorary Verlean Perkins Avenue

6100-6246 South Wabash Avenue

Approved: June 2024

Ward: 20
Alderman: Jeannette Taylor
Neighborhood: Hyde Park

b. April 9, 1934 in Chicago

her home



Donda West

Linda Zabors

Dr. Donda West was a professor at Chicago State University for 24 years and the former Chair of the English Department. She was the founder of the Gwendolyn Brooks Center for Black Literature and Creative Writing. Donda West was awarded a Fullbright Scholarship. The Dr. Donda West Foundation supports underserved youth and encourages teenagers and young adults to stay in school.

She is author of Raising Kanye: Life Lessons from the Mother of a Hip-Hop Star (2009). Donda is the mother of Kanye West.

Virginia Union University
Clark Atlanta University
Auburn University

Honorary Dr. Donda West Way

78th Street from South Shore Drive to Coles Avenue

Approved: June 2024

Ward: 07
Alderman: Gregory Mitchell
Neighborhood: South Shore

b. July 12, 1949
d. November 10, 2007. Age 58.

Her Home



WBEZ: Keynote Address by Donda West.

Ralph "Mr Canoe" Frese

Linda Zabors

Ralph Frese was the owner of the shop Chicagoland Canoe Base and the last blacksmith shop in Chicago. He was a fourth generation blacksmith who became a canoe builder and a nationally recognized expert. He began exploring Chicago area waterways in a canvas kayak as a teenager; in the 1950s he established the Illinois Paddling Council, the DesPlaines River Canoe Marathon, and began building canoes for local Boy Scout troops and replicas of historic birch bark canoes. He also supported the Chicago Maritime Society and Museum. A Chicago parks and waterways trail was named in his honor.

He led ambitious campaigns to recreate the explorations of the United States and Mississippi River by canoe in the 1600s by voyagers Marquette & Joliet, and LaSalle. These reenactments were brought to life in the 1970s.

Honorary Ralph "Mr Canoe" Frese Way

Irving Park and Narragansett

Approved: 2013

Ward: 38
Alderman: Cullerton
Neighborhood: Portage Park/Dunning

d. December 10, 2012. Age 86.

Chicagoland Canoe Base (former location)
Irving Park and Narragansett


Merri Dee

Linda Zabors

Merri Dee had a long career in Chicago media as a television anchor on WGN-TV, Channel 9, from 1972-1983; then as Director of Community Relations and manager of the the stations Children’s Charities until 2008. After leaving broadcasting she served the Illinois Chapter of AARP until 2022.

She was born, Mary Francis Dorham in Chicago. Her first job was in radio in Harvey, Illinois at WBEE. She then went to WCIU, followed by WSNS where she hosted her own talk show The Merri Dee Show.

In 1971, she survived a kidnapping and murder attempt. She was involved in Illinois’ adoption of the Victim’s Bill of Rights in 1992, which became the basis of legislation in other states. Merri Dee was well known for her work with charities and has received several awards.

Midwestern Broadcasting School
Xavier University, Louisiana
Englewood Technical Prep Academy, Chicago

Honorary Merri Dee Way

1300 South Damen Avenue at West 13th Street

Approved: November 2013

Ward: 02
Alderman: Fioretti
Neighborhood: Near West Side/Illinois Medical District

b. October 30, 1936 in Chicago
d. March 16, 2022. Age 85



Emmett Till

Linda Zabors

Emmett Louis Till was a 14-year old from Chicago, when he was lynched, disfigured, and brutally murdered in Mississippi while visiting relatives in 1955. His murderers, who were white, were quickly acquitted. These events drew public outrage and put racism and acts of violence against black people on the world stage when gruesome photos of Emmett’s body were published in Jet Magazine. His mother, Maime, insisted that the visitation for his funeral be held with an open casket. It was held in Chicago at Roberts Temple Church of God in Christ, and was attended by thousands of visitors and the press.

“Let the people see what they did to my boy.”

Maime and Emmett are both buried in Burr Oaks Cemetery, southwest of Chicago. Their house at 6427 S. Lawrence Street was dedicated as a landmark in 2020, and is now the Emmett Till and Maime Till-Mobley House Museum. They were awarded the Congressional Gold Medal in 2022. His mother, Maime Till-Mobley, had an honorary sign dedicated in Chicago in 2023.

James McCosh Elementary School

Honorary Emmett Till WAY

Approved: 2013 * (most recent)

Neighborhood: Avalon Park

b. July 25, 1941 in Chicago
d. August 28, 1955. Age 14. in Mississippi


“Till” Movie Trailer

Disability Pride Parade

Linda Zabors

The first Disability Pride Parade in the US was held July 2004 in Chicago, 14-years following the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990 by President George H. W. Bush. In March 1990 activists had raised awareness for disability access by hosting the Capitol Crawl, where disabled persons crawled up the Capitol steps in Washington DC. Boston was the first city to hold a Disability Pride Day the same year, 1990.

Disability Pride Month began in July 2015 to mark the 25th anniversary of the signing of the ADA.

The Disability Pride Flag was designed and re-released in 2021 for use in the Public Domain by Ann McGill; it represents the diverse range of impairments, seen and unseen, and the obstacles to be overcome by disabled persons in society and the world.

Honorary Disability Pride Parade Way

South Plymouth Court and West Van Buren Street

Approved: 2012

Neighborhood: Loop

The parade route for the annual Disability Pride Parade 401 S. Plymouth


William Friedkin

Linda Zabors

William Friedkin was an Academy Award winning director and screenwriter. His 1971 film, The French Connection, won multiple Academy Awards; his 1973 film and horror movie classic, The Exorcist, was nominated for Best Director.

After high school he worked at WGN-TV and WTTW; shortly thereafter he started producing documentaries and films.

Academy Awards

The French Connection (1972 Best Director)

The Exorcist (1974 Nomination for Best Director)

Senn High School

Honorary William Friedkin WAY

5855 to 5920 North Ridge Avenue

Approved: May 2024

Ward: 48
Alderman: Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth
Neighborhood: Edgewater

b. August 29, 1935 in Chicago
d. August 7, 2023. Age 87

Senn High School

Sign Dedication: June 10, 2024 at the corner of Ardmore and Ridge

Photo: Honorary William Friedkin Way - / Linda Zabors



Thor O. Soderberg

Linda Zabors

Police Officer Thor Odin Soderberg died in the line of duty during and armed robbery. He had served in the Chicago Police Department for 11 years, since 1999, and was an instructor at the Police Academy. His assailant was injured, arrested, and sentenced to life in prison.

A K-9 statue was dedicated in his honor at the Chicago Police Academy.

His widow established July 7th, the date of his death, as Pay It Forward Day in his honor and to remember him for how he lived, through small daily acts of kindness.

Veteran: Army

Honorary P.O. Thor O. Soderberg CPD WAY

1300 block of West Jackson Boulevard from South Throop Street to South Loomis Street

Approved: May 2024

Ward: 38
Alderman: Nicholas Sposato
Neighborhood: West Loop

d. July 7, 2010

Chicago Police Training Division



Colleen J. Flood

Linda Zabors

Colleen J. Flood was the owner of the Four Treys Tavern and helped to establish the neighborhood of Roscoe Village. She also initiated the “Retro on Roscoe” Festival and Car Show, as well as Winterfest and the Halloween Parade. She moved to Roscoe Village in 1979 and opened a beauty salon. Over the years she bought additional buildings and rental units in the area and established it as a family friendly and dog friendly neighborhood.

Carl Schurz High School (Chicago)

Honorary Colleen J. Flood WAY

North Damen Avenue between West Henderson Street and West Roscoe Street

Approved: May 2024

Ward: 32
Alderman: Scott Waguespack
Neighborhood: Roscoe Village

b. August 22, 1944
d. September 19, 2023. Age 79

Four Treys Tavern
3333 N. Damen



Winnie Ryan

Linda Zabors

Winnie Maureen Ryan and her sister, Lucy Claire, had an extremely rare form of mitochondrial disease which led to her progressive decline and death at the age of 6. It is estimated that fewer than 20 people worldwide had this particular gene mutation (FDXR).

The “Rally4Ryan Sisters” campaign raised funds and awareness for their care.

Honorary Winnie Ryan WAY

South Christiana Avenue between West 105th Street and West 105th Place

Approved: May 2024

Ward: 19
Alderman: Matthew O’Shea
Neighborhood: Mt. Greenwood

b. March 13, 1917
d. February 29, 2024. Age 6



Carmelito Llapitan

Linda Zabors

Carmelito Llapitan, was one of the founders of the Filipino National Council of Chicago (FNCC) in 1953. It quickly became the cultural heritage center and a place for social advocacy and public policy. It was involved in the landmark legislation including the Civil Rights Act (1964) and Illinois Human Rights Act (1979). Since 1997 the organization has been called the Filipino American Council of Greater Chicago (FACGC).

In 1974, he was among the Chicago Filipino community leaders who purchased the current building, which is now the Rizal Center, from the Swedish-American Orphei Singing Group.

Honorary Carmelito Llapitan CT

1300 West Irving park Road at North Wayne Street


Neighborhood: Graceland West/Lakeview

Rizal Center
1322 W. Irving Park Road

Rededicated March 31, 2019

